Health & Safety Policy
1. Safety Policy
It is the policy of Jamieson Alexander Audit Limited (‘the Employer’) to take all reasonable steps to ensure the Health and Safety at Work of all Employees and to take all necessary steps to implement such a policy.
Employees also have a duty to co-operate with the Employer to ensure that this policy is effective and to offer all necessary assistance to ensure the health and safety at work of all Employees.
The Employer also has a responsibility to ensure the health and safety of others that may be affected by the work activity and reasonable steps will be taken by all concerned to ensure that this duty is observed.
The attention of all Employees is drawn to the safety rules and procedures. Disciplinary action will be taken against any Employee who violates these rules and procedures.
The Employer will consult with the Employees periodically to ascertain what measures should be taken to increase awareness of health and safety and to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to make this policy effective.
The Employer will take such measures as may be necessary to ensure proper training, supervision and instructions of all Employees in matters pertaining to their health and safety and to provide any necessary information.
2. Personnel Responsible for Health and Safety
The person having overall responsibility for health and safety will be the managing director.
Medical assistance will be provided at each office. The names of those qualified in first aid will be notified to the Employees from time to time.
3. Arrangements for Health & Safety
The details and procedures for health and safety are annexed and must be observed at all times by all Employees.
Safety Rules
1. Workplaces
Workplaces must be kept clean and tidy with rubbish and discarded materials placed in the receptacles provided. Proper attention must be paid to hygiene. All materials must be properly and safely used and when not in use properly and safely secured. Care must be taken to ensure that the work place is not hazardous either to Employees or to third parties including but not limited to trespassers.
2. Smoking
Smoking is prohibited at all times on company premises and in company vehicles.
In the interests of employees, visitors or contractors who may wish to smoke during rest periods may do so outside the building. All cigarette butts must be carefully disposed of in the receptacles provided.
3. Fire
Employees should ensure that they are familiar with the position of the nearest fire-fighting equipment, alarms and emergency exits. They should ensure that they understand how to operate such equipment. In particular, Employees are asked to use electric fires and other heaters (if and where permitted) with caution and to keep flammable materials, in particular paper, away from sources of heat. Employees should report any faulty electric cable or flex immediately. Emergency exits, stairs, corridors and doorways should not be obstructed. Fire doors should always be kept closed.
Employees should be fully conversant with the fire drill and be aware of the nearest fire exit and assembly points. Lifts should not be used in an emergency. Employees should leave the building quickly and in an orderly fashion following the correct route.
4. Electrical Equipment
The Employee must report any equipment in a dangerous or worn condition to their line manager. All electrical equipment, which does not require continuous operation, should be switched off when not in use and plugs removed from socket outlets. Employees should never use equipment, which is suspected to be faulty, or where the cable or flex is damaged or connections are loose. Any faults should be immediately reported to the the Employee’s line manager.
Employees should not attempt to repair or interfere with electrical equipment or wiring themselves, and should not use dual or other socket outlets unless these have been properly Authorised by an electrical engineer.
5. Floors
Cables and wires should not be permitted to trail across the floor where people may be passing, unless a covering is provided. Employees should take extra care on newly polished or wet floors. Any liquid spilt on the floor should be wiped up immediately. Damaged floor covering or surfaces should be treated with care and reported immediately.
6. Ladders, Steps and Stairs
Where ladders or steps are used to reach above normal height, Employees should ensure that they are firmly based and secure. Where necessary, assistance should be sought to prevent them slipping. Employees should exercise care on stairs and handrails should be used.
7. Alcohol and Drugs
No alcoholic liquor or drugs (other than those prescribed by a registered medical practitioner and which do not affect the Employee’s ability safely to undertake his duties) must be brought onto, used or consumed at any work place. The Employer will suspend any Employee who, in the opinion of the Employer, is under the influence of drugs or alcoholic liquor and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against the Employee under the terms of the Employer’s disciplinary procedure.
8. Access
Means of access to and egress from the workplace must only be used for the purpose for which they are provided. No Employee must tamper with any means of access to or egress from the workplace. Any means of access to or egress from the workplace, which is in a dangerous, or Employees must report unsuitable condition for use to the Employee’s immediate superior.
9. Carrying heavy items
Lifting or carrying items such as word processors, computers, and heavy bundles of papers or files should be done carefully. Employees should ask for assistance if there is any danger of strain. Heavy objects should be lifted in the correct manner without bending the back.
10. Accident or illness at work
Any accident or illness occurring on the Employer’s premises should be reported to the Employee’s line manager. who should ensure that all details are entered in the accident report book. It is important that all injuries however slight should be reported.
If a client is involved the Employee must not in any way admit liability on behalf of himself, other Employees or the Employer.
Employees should ensure that they know the names and locations of the persons designated to take charge of the first aid cabinet and to render first aid in an emergency. In an emergency, if speed is considered essential, an ambulance should be called.
All employees should ensure they are familiar with the operation of the telephone equipment, including how to obtain an outside line and dial emergency services. Employees should also be aware that the normal telephone switch board will not operate correctly in the event of a power failure, so the location of the power fail phone should also be known together with instruction for use.
Employees must not engage in any horseplay or misuse any equipment or misuse anything provided in the interest of health and safety. Any Employee who fails to follow this rule will be subject to disciplinary action under the Employer’s disciplinary procedure.
Employees should remain alert and report any practices they observe which in their opinion could constitute a hazard to themselves or others. Where additional rules are issued to Employees in relation to machinery or operations that they carry out, these additional rules must be carefully complied with.
Working on other Sites
Employees should take particular care when visiting or working temporarily in other environments where they may not be conversant with the Health and Safety Rules at that site. It is important to obtain, read a copy of the Health and Safety Policy of the site you are attending. Employees are also required to undertake the relevant risk assessments in relation to working at that site.